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GI Collector's Guide: Army Service Forces Catalog, U.S. Army European Theater of Operations

Autore Henri-Paul Enjames

Casa editrice
Histoire and Collections


This spectacular new book of 272 pages from Europe's leading uniform and equipment publisher Histoire and Collections, will follow in the footsteps as such calassics from the past as From Doughboy to GI Histoire and Collections has earned a reputation for producing the finest, incredibly detailed, and sumptuously illustrated books. Their technique reaches a new level with this latest book. All the uniforms, insignia, badges, weapons and equipment of the ETO are described in detail and depicted in both photographs and full color graphics. This book is a must for any collector in the field. ################################################################ Questo libro di consultazione in brossura e interamente a colori è quanto di meglio esista in circolazione attualmente sulla militaria USA. Di grande utilità per i collezionisti ma anche per i modellisti.

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